Personal Mentoring. Life can sometimes become a seemingly endless circle of the same challenges. Breaking free of this cycle can often seem an impossible endeavor. Endless cycles are made [...]
An invitation to a transformation. A workshop on mindfulness presented by Glenn Ewin. Everyday I hear from clients and people I meet, a growing conversation about anxiety. This “fiction of [...]
Much has been written and said about positive mindset and what we choose to focus on. For many of us this is a natural way of being and if you’re one of these people you will wonder how or [...]
Mindfulness in the workplace. What would life be like if we had total control over our emotions in the work place? What would our success rate be like if we could always be in a state of awe and [...]
The real secret to success. One of the first introductions I had to self development came to me in a workshop designed to increase sales, profitability and client retention. The workshop was [...]
Dummies. All the books you ever read from windows for dummies to NLP for dummies have one thing in common. Simplicity. That”s awesome. There are two types of ways to apply information form [...]
The world of coaching is essentially about change. Some people want to change their income, some want to find peace, many freedom from emotional baggage and others wish to change how others see [...]
Whether you are attending an interview for a job, or meeting a prospective client for the first time, first impressions count. People make seven valued judgments of you within the first three [...]
Life is hard, that’s what I tell my clients. Over and over again. And then I ask them, “so what are you going to do about it.?” Often they look at me aghast. “Well what [...]